Dr Legumes

It is without doubt one of the highlights of my art career to work with James and Lee at Dr Legumes owners and chefs of the vegan plant-based restaurant in Folkestone.

I have been a regular customer for many years and watched them grow. Not only did I fall in love with the taste of their delectable offerings, I was also extremely impressed by the artistry in their works, to the point of not wanting to eat it!

I approached them with the idea of hanging two paintings in their restaurant, and after a series of discussions, looking through my catalogue of current paintings available, they decided on those attached.

I like to work with restaurants/venues/bars offering something different. Art with art. If you have a venue that would you like to exhibit art within please contact me, Kai Motta, by either email kai@kaimotta.com or mobile: 07931914242 to discuss how we can work together.

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